SUMMER 2023: Greece and back to Sardinia

It seems we are finally relaxing into retirement… and taking things at a slower pace. This Summer we had intended an epic voyage – heading West from Greece all the way across the Med, then out through the Gibraltar strait and on to the Cape Verde Islands; all in preparation for an Atlantic crossing. Phew! Well, we have scaled back, and hope for a leisurely exploration of the Eastern Med, before a return trip via Italy to Sicily and Sardinia at the end of the Summer. The Atlantic crossing will have to wait another year.

Our route to the Mediterranean

This (approximately!) charts our passage this Summer. Click on the pins for a little more info…

The Blog posts: click on the pictures to read and see more…

20th October 2023

The sailing season comes to a close. We make the overnight passage from Sicily to Sardinia where we have a couple of weeks in Santa Maria Navaresse to prepare our boat for the winter. We meet up with our friends Alistair and Dolores, whilst also enjoying the walks, beaches and life around Sardinia’s East coast.

29th September 2023

A quick transit of the sole of Italy, then on to Sicily, where we have braved the Messina strait, revisited Vulcano in the Aeolian islands, enjoyed the holiday hotspot of Cefalù, and scared ourselves in Palermo when we discovered our batteries boiling!


13th September 2023

Back on the boat for the final leg of our journey back to Sardinia. We arrive to terrible weather – Storm Daniel, thankfully with the major force of it to the South of us, delays our plans to cross to Italy. A week later, conditions improve and we make a lively passage across the Ionian Sea.


29th August 2023

A break from the Med, and a return to the mountains for some much-needed exercise. Lots of walking, some cycling; but no respite from the heat, as France experiences another hot Summer and temperatures – even up in Ste Foy at 1000m altitude – reach 36º. 

27th July 2023

Two weeks and two sets of guests. With Ros and Godric for just a few days we explore bits of Corfu and the Mainland, then take Richard and Juliette on a tour of islands to the South of Lefkas. Lots of fine dining, too much drinking, and frequent dips in the sea as temperatures rise


11th July 2023

A guest-free interlude before more friends join us. Our only job – to meander north to meet them in Corfu, and we have plenty of time to explore spots on the way. It should be quiet, but we manage to stumble across a rock concert!

23th June 2023

Our friend Suzie joins us for a week: some fine drinking and dining make up for little wind and lots of rain. Now we are gearing ourselves up for the next sets of guests in July. We get haircuts in preparation!


8th June 2023

Our first proper week in the Ionians. From Zakynthos we have sailed north to explore Cephalonia and Ithaca, enjoying relaxing anchorages, some lovely food, and even (finally) sorting out our plumbing woes.


2nd June 2023

It must be getting hotter – Cate has been for her first swim! We have sailed around the Peloponnese, taking in the sights and culture, including a trip inland to visit the ancient site of Olympia


24th May 2023

We are off – sailing from Leros across the Aegean, and reaching the Peloponnese coast. Beautiful anchorages and historic towns have compensated for unseasonably cold (and rainy) weather.


9th May 2023

A slow start to the new sailing season: lots of work to do on the boat, and we are stuck waiting for a replacement hot water boiler!