SUMMER 2023: Greece and back to Sardinia
It seems we are finally relaxing into retirement… and taking things at a slower pace. This Summer we had intended an epic voyage – heading West from Greece all the way across the Med, then out through the Gibraltar strait and on to the Cape Verde Islands; all in preparation for an Atlantic crossing. Phew! Well, we have scaled back, and hope for a leisurely exploration of the Eastern Med, before a return trip via Italy to Sicily and Sardinia at the end of the Summer. The Atlantic crossing will have to wait another year.
Our route to the Mediterranean
This (approximately!) charts our passage this Summer. Click on the pins for a little more info…
The Blog posts: click on the pictures to read and see more…
20th October 2023
The sailing season comes to a close. We make the overnight passage from Sicily to Sardinia where we have a couple of weeks in Santa Maria Navaresse to prepare our boat for the winter. We meet up with our friends Alistair and Dolores, whilst also enjoying the walks, beaches and life around Sardinia’s East coast.
13th September 2023
Back on the boat for the final leg of our journey back to Sardinia. We arrive to terrible weather – Storm Daniel, thankfully with the major force of it to the South of us, delays our plans to cross to Italy. A week later, conditions improve and we make a lively passage across the Ionian Sea.