6th July 2020

Apologies for the scarcity of recent posts: there has not been a lot to write about with the twin confinements of my broken ankle and the Coronavirus lockdown. Hopefully things will start to pick up a bit now…

It is all good news! As the lockdown eased, we have been able to return to France, and my Achilles rupture continues to heal. The video gives a little glimpse of our current activities now that we are back in Ste Foy and I am a bit more mobile. We have been lucky with the weather, so much so that we have been enjoying swimming in the little lake outside Aime (just 25 minutes drive from our apartment), and cooking up barbecues in the evening. We have even been out in the mountains walking (cautiously! – I’m using a stick and picking my steps with care).

As far as my Achilles injury goes, I have been keeping up with daily exercises to try and strengthen the ankle, and bought a turbo trainer so am now spending some 30+ minutes every day on the bike. I’ve found a physio in Val d’Isère, and have my first appointment booked with her for Monday. My exercise routine has, err, encouraged Cate to take up running and cycling. Thankfully for her, she is not confined to the dusty garage on a turbo trainer, but is out cycling in the mountains.

The combination of good weather, cycling and, perhaps, a glass of wine too many, have given us the idea of attempting to cycle to Nice along the route des Grandes Alpes. Much will depend on my continued recovery, and on whether we will be able to get any sailing in this year, but watch this space to see if the cycle trip comes to fruition: if it does, it will be with the aim of setting off on the 10th of September, which will mark the 6 month anniversary since the surgery to repair my ankle.