25th January 2025: Day 9

The last 24 hours have been the roughest so far: wind speeds consistently in the high 20’s and gusting up to 35 knots .The wind has been matched by the waves. According to our forecasts we should have experienced waves of 3.7m high, but in practice this allows for occasional waves even higher, as they certainly seem when faced with one towering above us as we sit in the trough of a previous wave!

The good news is two-fold. Firstly, the forecasts suggest we are over the worst and we expect both wind and waves to ease over the next day or two. Secondly, we are recording some of our fastest speeds, with 165 NM covered in the last 24 hours, and even more likely today.

Despite the conditions, we are still managing to get on with daily tasks. Tonight we will be enjoying a cassoulet for supper – bought in Corsica last Summer. One last bit of news – we changed time zones last night, so now on GMT -3hrs.

3 thoughts on “25th January 2025: Day 9”

  1. What an amazing journey both of you. Those waves sound terrifying :). Good luck for the rest of the journey. Enjoy the cassoulet.
    Ruth xx

    1. Hi Ruth, It’s great to hear from you. Yes, it’s just like La Sache black run. We’re definitely in need of a beer!

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