22nd January 2025: Day 6

The countdown continues, with 1439 NM to go as at noon today.

In the last couple of days the temperature has risen noticeably. Where before we could reliably catch up on sleep by dozing during the day, we now find that the interior of the boat is just too hot in the middle of the day, and our thermometer tells us that we are hitting 30 degrees C, with high humidity just for good measure. At least at night it remains cool and we no longer need anything more than shorts and T shirts, even in the middle of the night.

Perhaps related to the rising temperatures are ever growing patches of Sargassum weed in the ocean. Apparently, the concentration of this seaweed has increased a hundred fold since 2011. Increased fertiliser run-off in major rivers such as the Amazon and the Congo is thought to be a cause of this. From our perspective, it is just a nuisance risking fouling our rudder.

The seas are building today, but we are still making good progress and enjoying the sailing and the sunsets.

2 thoughts on “22nd January 2025: Day 6”

  1. I’ve just checked your position. You’re making 10.9 Kt! You’ll be in port in a few days😂!! Enjoy!!
    I want all your lessons you’ve learned for my round UK trip in 2026!
    That will be a good night !!!!!
    WhatsApp us when you’re tied up and on your first beer.
    We’re looking forward massively to St Foy. Kate and Nick are keen to join us. Will be nice for Lils. We wanted to check is that’s OK but you’re in the middle of nowhere! You know we’ll look after the place and pay our way. Not a game changer, your call. Now is not the time in a 4m swell and 20-30kt on the starboard quarter.
    I’m much better btw and have resigned the CD role and applied for another job 😂🤦. I know. I am crazy.🤪
    Stay safe and strong. Love to you both Ray x

    1. Hi Ray,
      Great to hear from you. 10.9knots would be surfing down a wave! our real speed is closer to 6.5knots. Have a great week in Ste Foy, and of course it is fine for Kate and Nick to join you.All the very best, Jonathan

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